It all began with a shared curiosity and a desire to understand the inner workings of the world around us. Two brothers, each with a passion for unraveling the mysteries of technology, embarked on a journey of discovery.

Our journey started over two decades ago, fueled by evenings spent tinkering with circuit boards and assembling custom PCs for homes and businesses. What began as a hobby soon blossomed into a vocation, with weekends dedicated to installation and evenings devoted to refining our craft.

As the years passed, our expertise grew, and our commitment to excellence became a guiding principle. With each project, we sought not only to meet but to exceed customer expectations, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Today, as the founders of NextGen Digital, we continue to shape the future of technology. Our passion for making a positive difference remains as strong as ever, fueled by the belief that technology has the power to connect, communicate, collaborate and create in ways previously unimagined.

Join us on this journey of innovation, where every challenge is an opportunity, and every solution is a step towards progress. Together, let’s redefine what’s possible and pave the way for a brighter, more connected tomorrow.

Wayne Bloem

Wayne is a visionary and strategic technology leader with repeated success in business transformation, enterprise operations, cloud first technologies and building leading edge solutions. Proven ability to define and deliver strategic outcomes through complex stakeholder engagement, collaboration and change. Career includes: General Management in technology & data, provision of digital services to large and small organisations globally.
Wayne uses his operations and service delivery experience to enable both new products and core Digital Transformation through DevOps, CI/CD, Testing and Agile methodologies.
Passionate about making a difference every day.

Paul Bloem

Paul, a passionate Modern Workplace Evangelist, is dedicated to empowering organizations to unlock the full potential of technology for enhanced productivity and efficiency. With extensive expertise in Modern Workplace Architecture, Unified Communication, meeting room solutions, CCTV, and smart alarm systems, Paul offers a holistic approach to consultancy, training, architecture, deployments, business development, and support.

His steadfast commitment to driving positive change and fostering innovation within teams distinguishes him in the field. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Paul consistently delivers impactful solutions tailored to each unique challenge. As a Microsoft MVP for over 10 consecutive years, Paul remains at the forefront of advocating for technology’s transformative impact on modern workplaces.

Empowering Communication: At NextGen Digital, we envision a world where technology seamlessly integrates into every aspect of business communication. Our goal is to transform IT companies and vendors by providing innovative Voice and Meeting Room solutions, ensuring that every interaction is an opportunity for growth and collaboration.

Driving Innovation: We are committed to leading the charge in digital transformation, offering cutting-edge consultancy and support services that enable our clients to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Partnership for Success: We believe in the power of partnership, where mutual success is achieved through shared goals and expertise. Our vision is to be the trusted ally that IT companies rely on for achieving excellence in communication and security.

Excellence in Service: Excellence is at the core of our services, from project management to deployment and training. We strive to exceed client expectations, ensuring that every solution we provide is a step towards a more connected and secure digital future.

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